A season at the museum

« L’enfant et la forêt »
Par Alfred Oberlin, pédiatre
Sunday 6 November at 5 p.m.
Free entry

« Le développement durable et la petite enfance »
Par Gillian Cante, doctorante Labo EDIAC Formations
Sunday 2 October at 5 p.m.
Free entry

« Les amis de J.F. Oberlin et son herbier »
Par Marie-Thérèse Fischer, historienne
Sunday 9 October at 5 p.m.
Free entry

« The Knitting Stoves 250 Years – Dreaming Education »
Until 30th December 2020
Free entry

Pleasant Trails
Discover the history of the sites associated with J.F. Oberlin, from a different perspective.
Wednesdays 12, 26 July; 9 and 23 August from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Meet at the museum. Walking shoes required.
Registration at the tourist office of Schirmeck.

Walk & Talk
Discovering J.F. Oberlin, off the beaten path.
Monday 8 July from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Suitable for everyone. Meet at the museum. Walking shoes required.

The imaginary outdoor library trail
Discovery trail using the museum’s NFC app

Guided tour
Price: full price €8, reduced rate: €4
On the 3rd Sunday of the month at 3 pm. Length: 1.5 h.
Museum admission included.
Informal conversation with booklovers (5 – 6.30 p.m.)

Philippe Lutz
Librarian and writer
Sunday 1st August at 5 p.m.
Free admission

Micaëla Sissler
author of children’s picture books
Sunday 15 August at 5 p.m.
Free admission

Damien Schitter
graphic artist
Sunday 26 September at 5 p.m.
Free admission

Willy Hahn et Lisa Pfister
Sunday 10 October at 5 p.m.
Free admission

Entre amis, abandonnez-vous au Land Art.
Tous les mercredis pendant les vacances scolaires (juillet-août) à 15h.
Durée: 2h.
Pass-famille: 20€
Adulte en solo: 7€
Enfants: 5€

L’art de l’herbier
Entre héritages et modernité, sciences et esthétique, participez à un atelier créatif.
Samedis 27 août et 24 septembre de 10h à 17h.
Dès 15 ans Sur inscription. Prix : 30€

Never-ending books
Boxes, paper folding, display boxes and more tell a different story of the afterlife of books destined to be pulped.
Saturday 4 December from 2 p.m. at 5 p.m.
Registration required. Price: €10

Guided tour
Price: full price €8, reduced rate: €4
On the 3rd Sunday of the month at 3 pm. Length: 1.5 h.
Museum admission included.

« The Knitting Stoves 250 Years – Dreaming Education »
Until 28th February 2021
Free entry

“Book swap shop”
2 and 3 October from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Come and swap your gardening books and plant guides and find new inspiration!

European Night of Museums
Saturday 18 May from 7pm to 10pm
Free admission

Pleasant Trails
Discover the history of the sites associated with J.F. Oberlin, from a different perspective.
Wednesdays 10 and 24 July; 7 and 21 August from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Meet at the museum. Walking shoes required.

Pleasant Trails
Discover the history of the sites associated with J.F. Oberlin, from a different perspective.
Wednesday 24 August from 2 pm to 5 pm
Meet at the museum. Walking shoes required.

Catch Me if You Can!
Duck, Duck, Goose; Frog Pond; What’s the Time Mr Wolf; The Irish Bulldog… Active games that will take you around the world!
At 3 pm on Fridays during school holidays until 6 March 2023.
Length: 1.5 hours.
Includes snack and admission to the museum.
Family Pass €20; Adults: €8; Children 4 and up: €6.

Flying Dolls
For the space of a day, personalise your own fighter kite and enjoy a traditional Afghan sport that’s now banned in Afghanistan.
From 10 am to 4 pm, on the first Saturday of the month until 1 April 2023.
Length: 6 hours.
Registration required. Includes brunch and admission to the museum.
Family Pass: €50; Adults: €15; Children 6 and up: €10.

Pages for a tree!
Create a Christmas tree with all that books have to offer.
Saturdays 11 and 18 December from 2 p.m to 4 p.m.
Registration required. Family Pass: €20. Adults: €7/Children: €5

Pleasant Trails
Discover the history of the sites associated with J.F. Oberlin, from a different perspective.
Wednesdays 26 July; 9 and 23 August from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Meet at the museum. Walking shoes required.

« The Knitting Stoves 250 Years – Dreaming Education »
Until 28th February 2022
Free entry

European heritage days
16th and 17th September from 10am to 7pm
Free admission

“Book swap shop”
2 and 3 October from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Come and swap your gardening books and plant guides and find new inspiration!

Great Save!
A strategy game inspired by the “Awale” game from Africa.
At 2 pm on Wednesdays during school holidays, until 6 March 2023.
Length: 2 hours.
Ages 7 and up. Registration required. Snack included.
Price: €8

Tease Your Brain
Playing is serious business! Making puzzles is fun!
At 10:30 am on Wednesday 28 December 2022.
Length: 1.5 hours.
Ages 8 and up. Price: €10.